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Leadership is not about titles or the corner office.
It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage.
The world is desperate for braver leaders.
It’s time for all of us to step up.

The world is thirsty for Daring Leadership.
Leadership which chooses what is right, over what is fast easy or fun.
Leadership which chooses courage over comfort.
When leadership chooses comfort:
People avoid tough conversations
We spend and unreasonable amount of time managing problematic behaviours
Trust is corroded
People don't take smart risks
We get stuck in setback and defined by failure
There is too much shame and blame People opt out of conversations about diversity
We rush to fix problems, rather than find solutions
Our values are aspirational rather than measurable and teachable
Perfectionism and fear keep people from growing and learning

Choose courage, Dare to Lead.
Dare to Lead is a collection of four skill sets that are 100% teachable.
These skill sets are not new—they’ve been aspirational leadership skills for as long as there have been leaders.
We just haven’t had the courage for real talk about courage. But it’s time
The Four Skill Sets of Courage
No. 1
Rumbling with Vulnerability
Facing risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure with courage and clarity.
No. 2
Living into our Values
Identifying, operationalising, and practicing the beliefs that we hold most important.
No. 3
Creating or deepening connections in relationships and teams based on the seven elements of trust.
No. 4 Learning to RISE
Learning and growing from the failures, setbacks, and disappointments that are inevitable when we are brave with our lives.
Brilliantly facilitated two days of self learning and growth. Thank you to Claire and the wonderful group of people I’ve spent time with for being vulnerable, brave and courageous with me.
Dare to Lead course inspired by Brené Brown - amazing and highly recommended for personal and professional growth.
(March 2019)
Why Dare to Lead?
Research findings that support Dare to Lead are a combination of 20 years of research on courage, vulnerability, empathy,
and shame, and 7 years of researching leadership including interviews with 150 leaders across disciplines from special forces military to Pixar, from Oil and Gas in Asia to nonprofits in Europe, and data collected from instrument development with MBA and eMBA students at Wharton, Kellogg, and the Jones School at Rice.
What does it involve ?
The full Dare to Lead curriculum is facilitated over 16 hours, delivered to meet your requirements and equip you to
take your courage building skills from theory into practice.
How much does it cost ?
Full Dare to Lead Curriculum
Individual participation from £549
Organisational participation from £2195
Bespoke in-house workshops from £75 per hour

About me...
Why I choose courage.
I choose courage;
because life is too short not to
because I want my children to
because I want women to
because I want men to
I choose courage because;
I know the cost of comfort, of never enough, of "who do you think you are".
I choose courage because;
courage is contagious and I want you to choose courage too.
" It's your turn, it's always your turn"
Seth Godin